Monday, January 24, 2011

The Truth About "That" Boy

There's a certain kind of boy in this world that no doubt you will encounter at some point in your life. Hopefully it won't be you that has to face the complications of "that" boy, but you may find him as a boyfriend of a friend. "That" boy is the worst kind of boy. He's the wolf in sheep's clothing. Like Satan, he prey's on his victim, slowly drawing them in. He never attacks quickly, instead he's methodical and careful in how he draws in his victims.

The first sign that you've encountered "that" boy is that he showers you with gifts and attention. That's what makes him so deceiving. Your initial impression is, "Wow! What a catch!" That's all part of his plan to draw you in and rely on him. He's not just trying to gain your favor, he's trying to gain the favor of your friends and family. Once he has captured your attention and admiration, that's when the change begins.

"That" boy will change very slowly. He will most likely start by pulling you away from your friends. He'll want all of your attention so that you'll rely only on him. Like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, he'll entice you with his words, making you question the validity of what your friends and family say, all the while assuring you that he is the all knowing one. Now he has your attention and your reliance on him. You have now started to round the corner into the most critical turn in the road.

The next part of the journey involves tearing you down. Like I said earlier, this is a slow process. He'll start by criticizing your choice in friends or maybe the way you dress. Whatever the criticism, it will start small, just a tiny snowball. However, as he gains momentum, that snowball will grow and grow until it's uncontrollably big. You'll try to slow it's momentum as it comes thrashing down the hill, but you can't. Now he's insulting your intelligence, your self worth, he has you believing that you're unlovable. The scary part is that you start to believe him. When he tells you that no one will ever love you and that you're lucky to have him because no one else would have you, you actually believe him!

One of the worst things that can happen with "that" boy, is that you not only believe him, you believe you can't live without him. Suddenly you realize that you're miserable with him, but you have so much invested, after all, he's separated you from your friends and made you completely reliant on him. Every time you try to break it off with "that" boy, he convinces you that you are not lovable and he is the best thing that every happened to you and ever will happen to you.

Let me tell you, precious daughters, you most certainly CAN live without him and are better off without him. "That" boy is insecure about himself, so he made you insecure about yourself. God created you in His image and you are beautifully and wonderfully made. Don't believe ANYTHING "that" boy says!

I have prayed everyday for you and your future spouses. I believe with all my heart that God will bring you special men that will treasure you as much as your father treasures me. The best way to avoid "that" boy is to remember how special you are and that God loves you. You don't need to find self value in "that" boy, you need to find it in God.

My personal encounter with "that" boy has lived with me since I met him, but with experience, comes wisdom. I have no doubt that God has used and will continue to use that encounter to help others avoid "that" boy. Although "that" boy affected me deeply for many years, I've chosen not to continue believing his lies, instead I stand on God's truth. I pray that if you ever encounter "that" boy yourself, you will have the wisdom to recognize his true identity and run the opposite direction. I love you dear daughters.

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